Someone Special

Most people are insecure in their own way. Most of those people are unable to overcome their insecurities, and all relationships in their life, romantic or platonic, suffer for it.

But some people are so perfectly happy with who they are, that they can take someone who has grown to despise their appearance and help them rise up and, without words, simply with their presence, help them be happy about who they are. Just by being around them, everything in the world just seems… Okay.

Recently, I’ve been lucky enough to meet not one, but two such people. I realize logically, that this may be the honeymoon phase of this relationship, but I have never had a honeymoon phase so strong that I have little to no hatred of my appearance. I want to take good care of myself, and I’m incredibly happy to please others, and find that somehow I do so simply by existing.

I’m not afraid of my imperfections.

I’m not afraid of my talents.

I’m not afraid of being happy.

Now I have to see if I can get the rest of the crew on board. So far, the reactions seem good, but I want to keep a careful eye on it. I want this to go well. I want everyone to be happy.

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About The ITT System

The ITT (It Them They) System is a group of people who share the body of a nineteen year old girl. This has been diagnosed as Dissociative Identity Disorder, or DID. DID is described as a condition where there are at least two distinct identities that manifest and take control of the body. One may be considered the "main", but this does not appear in all cases. The System consists of: Mayn (pronounced "May", silent n), GF, 19, theoretical "main" Jennifer, F, early thirties, protector Korso, M, N/A, protector Viktor, M, N/A, resident sociopath Claudia (Disagreeable Teen), F, 17, teenage rebel Ludovic (Sage Guitar), M, 19, resident musician Talyn, 14, M, free-range pervert and Vicki and Fredric, F and M, respectively, 7 (Littles Corner), little ones There are also three others who will not be participating in this blog.

2 responses to “Someone Special”

  1. thedomnextdoor says :

    This makes me :). Are the new others aware of “the” others?

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